Dreaming on Tjalkstraat is more than a mural. Everything started when The Street Art Museum Amsterdam SAMA, invited Chicadania and Pez to participate on a project for the municipality and the housing associations in the context of MOOIMAKERS program in Amsterdam North, Banne district.
The artists had the challenge to tell the story of the neighborhood residents, mostly immigrants, and to make reference of the street’s name that reminds the classic boats of Amsterdam North: the tjalks. To integrate the neighbords and the history of this part of Amsterdam, the artists designed a mural representing the life of this kids like a dream playing and looking in the distance at their homes in their countries. For that, Chicadania painted the faces of Marco from Venezuela and Veronica from Ukraine with special make up and she portrayed them on the wall. Marco and Veronica are dreaming on a turquoise universe with boats and fishes floating.